

Construction beans sensory box

Ahhh, sensory boxes, our new found love. 
I wanted to do a construction rock set, because Pickles loves to dig and he likes construction trucks. 
Found some great inspiration from Pink and Green Mama
All of the materials came from the dollar store with the exception of the tote. 

Stupid dollar store, I love it so much. They trick you with that "only a dollar" stuff. 
You end up walking out having spend $45 on every visit.  
Well, I do...

Small and large rocks & pebbles
Kidney, pinto and black beans
Green and clear glass thumbprint looking flat stone things
32 Qt. flat tote
Cool construction vehicles & signs

*A tip on the flat glass. The bag I purchased had a broken one, that bad boy was sharp. 
Check the bag before dumping these in.

 This box was a big hit with Pickles. 
Pro dollar store shopper tip, don't forget the drop cloth or tarp. 
Just place it down while playing and dump the bean escapees back in the tote after play. 

 Found some random fun scooping and moving tools 
around the house to add to the fun. 

This is the box about about a week and a half after playing with it daily.

Pickles felt the box really needed a few monster trucks and a Yukon Cornelius to bring it together. I agree.

If your  toddler is the type to put things in their mouth you may want to think about bigger objects & stones. Oh no wait, just skip this project all together. 

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